Dr Sukhwinder Singh Randhawa is the Director &Principal Doctor of the practice. He graduated fromIndia and did his fellowship as a GP in Rural NSW in 2012. He did his extensive training in Psychiatry in Nepean hospital before joining general practice.Dr. Randhawa intends to establish himself as a long-term GP committed to treating and getting to know the people of Brookvale and its surrounding areas.
Area of interest &Services Provided:
Languages known: English, Hindi, Punjabi
Dr Kanwarjot Channi is also the Principal Doctor with a noble ambition to give back her services to thewider community of Brookvale in the form of detailed and learned health care advice. Dr Channi by nature is a very compassionate and understanding person and treats every consultation with a genuine pursuit for health solutions.
Area of interest & Services Provided:
Languages known : English, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu
Dr Michael Azmir graduated with a medical degree from The University of New South Wales (UNSW) in 1978 and has been practicing as a general practitioner since 1982.With an abundance of experience gained working at different facilities, Dr Azmir offers optimal patient care and in-depth clinical insight. He has a very high attention to detail and is known to be very compassionate, treating patients with various medical needs.
Area of interest & Services Provided:
Languages known : English
Dr Thomas Tran graduated from The University of Newcastle in 2017. He is an experienced GP with diverse hospital experience in Australia with an exposure across a multitude of specialties including emergency medicine, oncology, cardiology, endocrinology, urology and vascular diseases.
Area of interest & Services Provided:
Languages known: English, Vietnamese
MBBS (Hons) FRACGP, Diploma of Obstetrics
Dr Stephen Bryce graduated from the University of Queensland in 1990. He trained as a remote area GP and moved to East Arnhem Land (NT). Stephen worked in Aboriginal Health for 8 years, raising 2 children up there with his wife Sharon. Since, he has worked as an outer suburban GP in Brisbane, moving to Sydney this year to be closer to family.
As a Queenslander, he has a lot of experience with skin conditions – particularly relating to sun damage. Stephen joins Narrabeen Family Medical as an independent contractor. Being new to the Northern Beaches, Stephen and his wife are now making the most of our beautiful beaches and bushwalks.
Dr Stephen Bryce is an independent contracted GP who operates their own medical business within Medclinic Family Practice
Dr Amir Mohtashami has multifold years of experience in Emergency and General Medicine. He obtained a degree of Doctor of Medicine (MD) in 2005. He received his Australian Medical Council (AMC) certificate in 2013. He holds a fellowship of The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP) as well.
Dr Mohtashami provides an individualised treatment plan, attention to detail and meticulous approach when delivering the treatment. He is passionately interested in Chronic Health Medicine. He loves working as a GP and feels privileged to help people and be part of their life journey.
Other than practicing medicine, Amir focuses on fitness and enjoys CrossFit training.
Dr Amir Mohtashami is multilingual and fluent in English as well as Persian.
Area of interest & Services Provided:
Dr Amir Mohtashami is an independent contracted GP who operates their own medical business within Medclinic Family Practice
Dr. Rashin Joodat completed her medical degree and internship in 2015, graduating from Iran University of Medical Sciences. She moved to Australia in 2016 and obtained her Australian Medical Council (AMC) certification in 2018. Since then, she has been practicing medicine in Australia, focusing primarily on Emergency Medicine and General Practice.
Dr. Joodat has a strong passion for:
Languages known: English, Persian